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Our Programs

NBCDC offers a variety of programs to help your child grow and develop. All of our programs are based on the following 8 Learning Domains:


Every child learns their own way. NBCDC cathers to each childs learning style to accommodate children’s natural curiosity and to fully support each child while building problem solving skills and confidence. 


At NBCDC we understand that children learn naturally and through their own lenses. Children use their senses to observe and investigate their world, analyzing their findings through writing, drawing, taking photos, observing their family, teachers, and friends.



We understand that the early years are important when it comes to literacy development. It has been stated that the best time to teach/learn another language is as young as the age of 3. NBCDC encourage children to development in this area starting in our infant room and continues all the way through our pre-school program.

NBCDC uses sign language, story time, circle time, and so many other avenues to help children develop in this area.



Visual and creative arts stimulate creative thinking in both our children and ourselves. At NBCDC our children discover early artists and practice techniques in their own unique style and creative realm.  


NBCDC staff assist children with understanding themselves and their relationships with family, friends, teachers, and associates. Children learn how they are alike and/or different from their friends and family, how they can contribute to society as individuals and learning that their contribution starts at home and in the classroom.


At NBCDC, we believe active children become active adults. Physical Development is OUR favoriteeee learning domain. We love to show our children fun ways to practice techniques for movement and balance. 


  • MATH

Early experiences with math help children develop reasoning skills and persistence in problem solving. We introduce our children to numbers, measurement and patterns through hands-on learning, visual learning and rhymes.


At NBCDC we use several approaches that could assist children and their family members with character development and life skills. We assist our children in learning social and emotional skills by integrating daily experiences to assist children in learning behavioral and relationship skills.

After-School Care:
We understand that working parents need a safe and reliable place for their children after school. That's why we offer daily after-school care for children ages 5-12.

Our after-school program includes:

-Homework Help
-Snack Time
-Arts and Crafts
-Outdoor Play
Contact us today to learn more about our after-school care program.
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